It is heavily rumoured that during January, TFL are to announce that they are to allow a new exhaust system ( VORTEX ) to be fitted to cabs about to be removed from service which are subject to the fifteen year age limit.

By all accounts it will be a complete exhaust system and is said to cost around £2000.
It is believed that this new system will give an additional five years life.
The new Vortex exhaust has been tested for the last year by Mag Diesels of Brixton, they have had the system fitted to three different cabs and it has passed Euro 5 emission standards, Mags Diesel have recently been told by TFL that the new exhaust system is to be allowed.
Source: London Taxi Drivers Forum.
Editorial Comment:
According to reports a taxi company in Tilbury who had 36 cabs fitted with Vortex Eco-Flo System at a cost of £32,490 found that through Vortex they could get a possible European Regional Funded grant towards the cost and was referred to Low Carbon Business, who assisted them with the ERDF grant application.

The grant was approved and they were reimbursed 40% of the cost.

Even without the grant the quote is still a lot less than £2000.
Anybody with a 15 year old cab would be a fool not to make enquiries particularly as Tilbury Taxis has set a precedent, endorsed by their town’s Mayor”.
Also while on this subject, the Mayor has made it clear that he wants a Zero Emmission Zone in the Congestion Charge area by 2020.
As of yet he has made no mention of an exception for Taxis.
So, where does that leave a driver who buys a new Euro 5 TX4 in the new year.
Will this new vehicle only have a working life span of 6 years?
One for our trade orgs to sort out….don’t hold your breath!