174827_242992162468491_92639379_n[1]Every year the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers run the Magical Taxi Tour to Disneyland Paris for children with serious Illnesses where they stay in rooms provided by Marriott.com. The trip this year will leave Canary Wharf on Friday 12th October 2012 and travel via Dover and P&O Ferries to Disneyland backed up by the Metropolitan & City of London Police, The London Ambulance Service and the AA. The trip costs over £100,000 each year to run and without the generous sponsorship from companies and the enthusiastic fund raising of members of the Taxi trade this trip would not be possible. We incorporate the use of taxi’s, ambulance, campervan or motorhome hire for the transportation of all the children and their families.

The drivers give up their time and the use of their vehicle free of charge to take part in this spectacular event and often put their hand in their own pocket to spend money on the children. Without the drivers and the hard work of a dedicated organising committee this trip would also not be possible.

The trip gives children a break from their World of treatment and therapy and sadly for some it is the only trip they get to enjoy during their short life.

The WCHCD has a chance of some funding from Lloyds Bank in the form of a donation but there are 3 other charities in the running for this money and we really need people to vote for us so that we can win this money which will enable us to give more children a once in a lifetime experience. To vote please click on the link below.


The Magical Taxi Tour also has a new Twitter account and Facebook page, we would be grateful that if you use Twitter you could follow us at @MagicalTaxiTour we will be tweeting our progress throughout the trip this year along with pictures along the way.

If you use Facebook then please become our friend and like our page http://www.facebook.com/MagicalTaxiTour

Also the Charities website can be found at http://www.magicaltaxitour.com

We would like to thank you in advance for your help and support.